Blockchain is a transformative technology changing how we think about data and trust. It has gained significant attention in recent years, with numerous use cases emerging across different industries. This workshop is designed to introduce participants to the basics of blockchain technology, including its history, key concepts, and practical applications. The workshop will provide students with a comprehensive understanding of blockchain technology and its potential applications.
Blockchain is a distributed, decentralized digital ledger that securely, openly, and impenetrably records transactions. Blockchain is an emerging job skill in the IT industry. Along with the Salary package, Career growth, job security, and reputation makes it career attractive. Engaging, hands-on, multi-stage learning sessions delivered by CodroidHub- certified trainers.

Real life Applications of Blockchain


Blockchain technology's most well-known use is in the development of decentralized digital currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Supply chain management:

Blockchain technology may be used to trace the flow of items and goods throughout supply networks, enhancing transparency and efficiency and lowering fraud and mistakes.


Blockchain may be used to handle and preserve patient health records, providing safe access to private data while upholding privacy and security.

Voting systems:

Blockchain technology may be utilized to provide an honest and transparent voting process that allows voters to cast their ballots anonymously while guaranteeing that the results are correct and unchangeable.

Identity verification:

Blockchain may be used to build safe and impenetrable digital identities that can be used to confirm people's identities for a variety of functions, including voting, banking, and healthcare.

Energy management:

Blockchain technology may be used to build a decentralized energy system that promotes peer-to-peer energy trade and lessens reliance on centralized energy suppliers.